Basic Token

Vanilla ERC-20 with additional features

The Basic Token complies with the ERC-20 standard and comes with some additional features. All tokens use the standard 18 decimal format and cannot be changed by the creator.

Core features


The creator can define a tokens name


Also known as a ticker, the creator can define a tokens symbol

Total supply

The creator can set the total supply as low as 1 Token and as high as 1,000,000,000,000,000 Tokens.


All tokens created with Base Terminal use 18 decimals, therefore, this cannot be set by the creator.


Maximum wallet % (immutable)

Configure a maximum wallet percent to restrict the amount of tokens that can be held by a single wallet.

If a user removes liquidity and the expected tokens received would exceed the maximum wallet %, the user should transfer the LP to other wallets and remove in chunks

Maximum transaction % (immutable)

Configure a maximum transfer percent to prevent large transactions taking place. This is a good way to fend off bots from your token.

If configured along with the maximum wallet %, the creator must set the maximum transfer % to a value less than or equal to the maximum wallet %.

If a user removes liquidity and the expected tokens received would exceed the maximum transfer %, the user should transfer the LP to other wallets and remove in chunks

Whitelisting (changeable)

Up to 10 wallets can be whitelisted, the purpose of this is for centralized exchange (CEX) hot wallets. A whitelisted address is exempt from the following:

  • Maximum transfer % when sending to and from wallets (NOT exempt on buys/sells)

  • Maximum wallet %

Last updated